Same Quality, Much Less Expensive - You can't tell the difference between Hercules braid fish lines and other more expensive brands. - From verified purchase reviews.
Excellent Cast Experience - 4x strand braids superline, with superior thin and small diameter and low memory, better and farther casting, less wind knots.
Great Knot Strength & Abrasion Resistance - Made from UHMWPE, the world's strongest PE fiber, enhanced coating technology for more durable use, killing nightmares of losing the big one.
Zero Stretch & High Sensitivity - No stretch, incredible sensitive to fish bites, best superbraid for bottom-fishing or bass fish in heavy grass, cover or mats.
Fan-favourite Money Back Guarantee: At Hercules, BETTER VALUE FOR THE MONEY YOU PAID is our motto. Get up to 20% refund within 60 days if you don't think we've made it.